Friday, October 8, 2010

Monster Ad

This advertisement is directed towards a provocative type of audience. The monster can is inside of the females thong, thus saying that if you drink the Monster you can get inside of the thong as well.The woman pictured is very thin, dark, and barely dressed. This is the kind of woman Monster drink consumers attract. It also is representing that the energy provided in the drink, will provide you with the necessary means to attract this type of woman. The curves on the can are similar to the curves on the woman. The bottom side of the can is aligned with the bottom side of the woman, they are at very similar angles. As well, the light hitting the can and making a sparkle, is similar to where the light hits on the woman's backside. The sparkles on the can represent the curves on the female, once again showing us that the drink allows us an escape towards this particular woman. The energy drink is a shortcut, or backdoor to get to her. So every time one sees a Monster energy drink, they will think of a beautiful young female. The age of the female is also relative to the advertisement. Drinking a Monster will keep your body young and full of energy.